Parents, welcome to this teacher-to-parent website. I hope this becomes useful for you to help your student be a better student.
I have always had a passion in teaching since I was young. When I was in elementary, I started my own tutoring business during the summers. In junior high, I taught preschool for a couple of years at the junior high school. In high school, I helped teach a first grade classroom at an elementary school. I eventually got my degree in elementary education. I taught first grade and third grade for six years and I am continuing my license and keeping it up to date so someday I can go back! But for now I am going to use this website to teach you what I have learned through my experience to help you engage your students in their elementary years which are so vital. They are building their foundation for their future!
This book, The Little Engine That Could, was given to me my first year of teaching from my sister. First years are always overwhelming with a new curriculum and a new classroom with a bunch of students you are in charge of. This little blue engine I have used as an example to all my students and teacher to teach them that they have a special power within them and they can do what they think they could never do!
Please ask questions or give input. If there is something you need help in a certain subject and can't find it on my website, email me so I can help you out! I will get back to you and would love to help solve any problems or discouragement you may have on helping your student! I want your student to be successful and find that "power" inside them like the Blue Engine did...I think I Can!
Let's improve our children's learning together!
Jeannette Dobson